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Biosecurity Committee

GPA takes biosecurity seriously, as part of our long-standing representative responsibilities and advocacy for Australian grain producers and our $13 billion industry.


GPA’s responsibilities representing levy-paying grain producers on biosecurity fall under federal legislation as a signatory to the Emergency Pest Plant Response Deed and as a member of Plant Health Australia, since 2004. GPA represents Australian growers in various PHA processes and management committees such as the EPPRD and the National Management Group. This connects Australian growers directly with leading Federal and State Government biosecurity officials and other experts in prevention and eradication management. This engagement supports pragmatic solutions for growers such as the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program which provides practical tools, information and services to improve on-farm biosecurity management and preparedness.


The GPA Biosecurity Committee plays an important role servicing these responsibilities and duties, providing expert advice and information to inform national policy development. The Committee promotes communication, engagement and advocacy to support these processes and enable outcomes that help strengthen biosecurity protections and management for Australian grain producers. Tougher preventative measures help protect growers, rural communities and the national economy against the social and economic impacts of devastating pests such as Khapra beetle, which could cause an estimated $15.5 billion damage over 20 years and loss of access to important grain export markets.


The GPA Biosecurity Committee Chair is nominated by the GPA Board, and the GPA Policy Council is ultimately responsible for biosecurity policy. GPA Policy Council can refer matters to the GPA Biosecurity Committee for further research and discussions, to help inform decision-making and promote engagement across industry and with relevant stakeholder groups and experts.


Members of the GPA Biosecurity Committee are the nominated representatives of GPA’s State Members with relevant expertise and experience in grain production and biosecurity, supported by professional policy managers and staff. Meetings are periodic, as determined by members, and decisions must be consensus based.


Biosecurity was a key pillar in GPA’s 2022 Federal Election Policy Priorities Document, calling for an increased focus on preventative biosecurity measures to protect Australian grains; recognising GPA’s work on biosecurity also complements our legislative responsibilities in other areas – such as oversight and accountability of the Grains Research and Development Corporation – for about 22,500 Australian growers who contribute 1.02 per cent of their crop sale value towards funding.


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