The annual National Residue Survey (NRS) Grains Brochure has demonstrated the Australian grains industry is continuing to achieve ‘excellent compliance’ and high ratings on pesticide residue standards.
The annual Brochure’s recent publication shows overall compliance with Australian standards was at 98.8 per cent, for the 2022–2023 period. A total of 7,024 grain samples were collected for analysis in this year’s report, taken from the bulk and container export programs, and the domestic trade program.
National Residue Survey 2022–23 Grains HERE
“The results highlight excellent compliance with Australian standards and demonstrate the strong commitment of the grains industry to good agricultural practice,” the latest report said.
“The consistently high compliance rates help maintain the reputation and integrity of Australian grains in international and domestic markets.”
Grain Producer Australia RD&E Spokesperson and Victorian grain producer, Andrew Weidemann, said the latest NRS results showed the Australian grains industry was continuing to achieve high standards and excellent MRL compliance, to maintain farm productivity and continued market access.
“We welcome these positive results, but growers and industry need to be constantly reminded that we can’t afford to let our standards slip and we need to remain vigilant with these production practices,” he said.
Operating within the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the NRS helps maintain grain production standards, through compliance with pesticide maximum residue limits (MRLs). This program helps to facilitate vital grain trade and market access for Australian growers and industry. Since 1993, the NRS grains program has been funded by the NRS component of the statutory levy on grains.
GPA plays a key role working with the NRS program to provide technical advice, including on annual expenditure, funding priorities and sampling regimes. In representing levy-paying grain producers, GPA also works with industry and government stakeholders to manage any issues that arise in the program, including communications and awareness; especially in working to reduce and prevent grain residue detections.
GPA members are engaged in NRS processes and provided input into related policy matters, through the GPA Pesticide and Technology Sub-committee. HERE
The NRS survey also supports the grains industry in having continued access to pesticides, including those under regulatory review, through supporting data on use and residues.