More than 20 farming organisations have joined together to write to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and plead for the Australian government to abort its plans to ban live sheep exports.
The federal government has promised to end the live export of sheep by sea if it is elected for another term.
The letter coincides with a collapse in sheep prices around Australia and follows a similar appeal to Agriculture Minister Murray Watt earlier this year in which farm groups claimed the ban was a "red line issue" for the farm sector.
The group includes the National Farmers' Federation (NFF), Grain Producers Australia, and Australian Dairy Farmers who claim the ban will jeopardise Australia's international trading relationship.
"The decision to phase out live export of sheep by sea will not only cause irreversible harm to our sector but also to Australia's trade and diplomatic partnerships in the Middle East," the letter said.
Prices for sheep and mutton have been falling drastically in saleyards around the country as farmers reduce stock numbers ahead of forecast drier months.
The national flock is now expected to be at its highest level in more than 15 years.
Prices for some sheep this week were at their lowest since 2007 and angry farmers took to social media to blame the government's proposed ban for contributing to the price collapse.