Gross and misleading claims the Federal Government adequately consulted with farmers regarding plans for the proposed biosecurity tax have been called out by Grain Producers Australia.
This statement was made in response to a Senate inquiry report that was handed down last week compelling Senators to vote for the proposal.
The dissenting report however, as reported by Australian Rural & Regional News, highlighted multiple concerns raised during the inquiry about the policy's fundamental flaws.
GPA Chair, Barry Large, said the dissenting report by Coalition Senators correctly recommended the bills should not be passed, ahead of a July 1 deadline to implement the deeply unpopular levy-tax.

“This report shows clearly the genuine evidence and reasons why so many farmers are standing up to fight against this tax. We urge the Senate to do what’s right and vote against these bills,” he said.
GPA Chief Executive, Colin Bettles, said the report details consultations that were only held retrospectively, after the biosecurity tax was announced unexpectedly, in last year’s federal budget.