In a bid to collect data showing how grain producers are using spot-spraying technology, Grain Producers Australia is calling on growers to submit their spray reports.
The information could be useful for GPA's submission to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine's Authority (APVMA) review of paraquat and diquat.
Countryman highlighted the story of Tammin grower Brad Jones, who has been using weed seeker technology since 2009 and reports he has saved time and money.
“Without spot spraying capability we would be forced to do a whole paddock spray of paraquat, which is not ideal,” he said.
“The issue is, with herbicide resistant rye-grass in particular, we’re limited in control options and without paraquat and diquat, we’d be forced to consider steel (tillage).

“This opens up a whole new set of problems when soil movement comes into the picture.”
GPA interim chief executive Peter Arkle said information on how growers use paraquat and diquat, with the use of automated systems or other, would be helpful.
“GPA has concerns the science being relied on in the APVMA are not real-world examples that represent how these chemicals fit within Australian context,” he said.