Australia's peak national grain grower representatives have called on growers to get involved in
the public consultation process on the new biosecurity protection levy.
The process opened this week with a discussion paper and public survey that closes on Monday 5 October 2023.
Grain Producers Australia and GrainGrowers will present submissions for their members on the 10 per cent biosecurity protection levy announced by the Federal Government in the May budget.
The levy is due to start from 1 July 2024 and is intended to collect around $50 million annually from agricultural producers, with grain growers expected to contribute a disproportionate share.
Both peak national representative groups have expressed concerns and reservations about the
new mechanism under which grower levy funding will go to consolidated revenue and not directly appropriated to support biosecurity efforts.
GPA members oppose the levy being paid by growers, and both groups share common principles around implementation and design elements that are key to the public consultation process.