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FARM ONLINE | Driving farmers into an autonomous future the focus of new partnership

An industry-led implementation of autonomous farm machinery in Australia will allow growers to control the commercial introduction and widespread adoption.

A partnership between Grain Producers Australia (GPA), the Tractor and Machinery Association of Australia (TMA) and the Society of Precision Agriculture Australia (SPAA) help with industry awareness, education and adoption in realising the full potential of the technology.

Farm Online spoke to GPA southern grower director and RD&E spokesperson Andrew Weidemann AM about why having an industry-led approach was positive.

"Having a voluntary code, rather than a mandated code, shows that the industry is looking after itself," he said.

"Insurance will be the big thing with autonomous machinery, as well as achieving connectivity between different manufacturers."

Mr Weidemann, who farms at Rupanyup in the Wimmera, Victoria, said full autonomy was expected in the not too distant future.


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