NEW forecasting showing record Australian grain production numbers - despite impacts of severe weather and flooding during a delayed and disrupted harvest - makes good headlines.
However, Grain Producers Australia (GPA) believes the headline numbers mask some serious structural issues faced by growers on the ground, which impact productivity and need to be urgently addressed.
Fixing these problems will also help to deliver greater economic returns and shared benefits for rural communities and the national economy, while boosting future resilience and sustainability.
The ABARES Agricultural Commodities and Crop Reports released last week showed this year's winter crop is forecast to be more than 62 million tonnes - the second largest on record.
The forecaster also said Australian agricultural exports have benefitted from the "amazing crop yields and high commodity pricing" to deliver a record return of more than $72 billion in 2022-23, with overall agricultural production set to reach $85b.
GPA chairman and Miling grain producer Barry Large said while it was important to celebrate success - all the talk of high numbers and record crops made it too easy to overinflate the industry's actual performance, and gloss over some serious issues that need immediate action.