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Grain Producers Australia 2020 AGM results

Grain Producers Australia held their Annual General Meeting on Thursday 6 August 2020. Due to covid-19 restrictions, the meeting was held virtually.

The Chairman’s report, strategic plan and the 2019-2020 financial statements were presented for consideration by members. The election of three Directors was resolved, with the reappointment of Mr Andrew Weidemann and Mr Steve Ball as Southern region Directors and Mr Barry Large as Western region Director.

Following the AGM, the GPA Board re-elected Mr Andrew Weidemann as the Chairman and Mr Barry Large as Deputy Chairman.

Mr Weidemann, recent recipient of an Order of Australia acknowledgement, welcomed his reappointment to the role saying, “The work of GPA is essential for the industry into the future and I am honoured to have the continuing support as leader of the organisation.”

“GPA continues advocated for the needs of grain producers across a huge range of issues. From biosecurity with Plant Health Australia, the registration and oversight of agricultural pesticides, trade and market development issues directly affecting growers as well as our role in the oversight of National Residue Survey and Grains Research Development Corporation”, said Mr Weidemann.

“The work wouldn’t be possible without the support of the state farming organisation members, the GPA board and the dedicated GPA staff”, said Mr Weidemann.

The GPA staff, consisting of Maddison McNeil as Executive Officer, Tanya Pittard as Policy Manager, Rohan Rainbow as our Chemicals expert, Neil White as company secretary, as well as the support of Paula Fitzgerald and Larissa Mullot.

“This year marks the development of a range of long-term developments for the grains industry with GPA Northern region Director Andrew Earle representing GPA on the steering committee developing Grains Australia. There have been significant achievements this year under trying circumstances. Andrew Earle is also the presiding member for the selection committee of the GRDC board. These roles have been undertaken while he is also running a large grain operation at Mungindi”, said Mr Weidemann.

“Southern region Director, Steve Ball has accepted the role of Chair for the steering committee for GPA Training. GPA Training was launched during farm safety week at the end of July. It is designed as an industry-lead training platform to protect farmers interest’s as well as lead new training initiatives right across the grain supply chain. The ability to undertake training will be vital as we introduce people from outside of our industry looking for work during harvest this year,” said Mr Weidemann.

Over the past 18 months GPA has developed leadership initiatives, with 40 farmers attending a two-day leadership workshop in Canberra and 14 grains farming leaders undertaking AICD courses.

Mr Weidemann said, “we aim to ensure our industry has leaders ready for the various roles. I see this as one of the most fulfilling things we have done in recent times. Preparing people for advocacy roles at local, state and federal levels.”

“2020 will be remembered as challenging not just the agriculture sector but for most people. I’m proud we can keep working for our members - ensuring we keep them productive during a time when agriculture will be one of the key pillars to keep Australia moving”, said Mr Weidemann.

To view the AGM webinar video, the GPA Annual report and other information, please click here.


Further Information:

Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0428 504 544

Maddison McNeil, Executive Officer, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0432 988 694


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