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GPA Training Launch

Your invitation to the launch of GPA Training - Thursday 23 July 2020 - 1 pm (AEST)

Grain Producers Australia invites you to the launch of GPA Training, our online grains industry stewardship and training platform, next Thursday, 23 July at 1 pm (AEST). Please join us for this online Zoom event.

Grain Producers Australia developed GPA Training to deliver real-time, farmer-driven online training to meet changing industry standards and expectations, we aim to help farmers get ahead of the game.

The website and training modules are customisable, with specific content currently available regarding on-farm operations, workplace safety and company training. 

Benefits to your company through GPA Training

  • A secure online training platform to deliver inductions, training or updated workplace policy information to your employees, contractors or partners

  • Support to ensure your business is workplace health and safety (WHS) compliant

  • Access to other industry-relevant modules to enhance your business WHS activities in conjunction with existing industry programs or initiatives

  • End-user support through GPA training

Benefits for farmers through GPA Training

  • Access to on-farm WHS information to assist with improving farm safety

  • A single induction which may allow access to a number of sites, companies etc 

  • Real-time access to modules and induction material, with accountability and reporting

  • Ongoing updates with the content being regularly updated to improve on-farm safety practices 

  • A user-friendly platform to provide education to all those involved in your business

  • One flat rate for a year – a simple, upfront fee for a year's worth of compliance

Partnership opportunities are available to deliver company-specific training, to meet your individual processes and protocols. 

The key drivers behind GPA Training are:

  • Improved performance in all areas considered part of the grains industry stewardship task

  • Meeting current regulatory standards

  • Reducing supply chain costs for safety from farm to end-user

  • Development of standardised approaches for non-competitive service delivery

  • Future-proofing the industry with timely and comprehensive learning initiatives for emerging issues

  • Commercial solutions for the commercial realities of the grains supply chain

Areas highlighted for future development include modules on biosecurity, chemical stewardship, GM stewardship, chemical trespass, fire safety and much much more! 

Take a look at our new GPA Training website here.

Further Information: Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Tel: 0428 504 544 Maddison McNeil, Executive Officer, Tel: 0432 988 694


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