AUSTRALIAN Crop Breeders is undertaking audits of variety declarations made by growers in a bid to ensure seed companies are getting the money they are due through End Point Royalties.
Announced in September, the audits are being implemented to address what ACB as the peak body of seed companies sees as underpayment of EPRs to member companies, which use the funds to invest in further breeding.
In a statement issued last week, peak grower body Grain Producers Australia said it has held ongoing engagement with ACB regarding the role of EPRs to help deliver a more profitable and sustainable grains industry.
This engagement includes reinforcing GPA’s policy position that the system of collecting EPRs needs improvement to ensure it is more streamlined, cost-effective and user-friendly for growers.
ACB has acknowledged that the Annual Harvest Declaration process is cumbersome and a frustration point for growers, and has committed to reviewing the harvest-declaration system, with the aim developing a simpler and more grower-friendly tool.