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Grain Producers Australia (GPA) is supporting extended access to a new tool that’s designed to improve sustainable spray drift management best-practice and enhance on-farm productivity.

Access the tool HERE

Spray drift management is a key stewardship responsibility for the Australian grains industry. And one of GPA’s strategic priorities, working to boost grower profitability and industry sustainability.

That’s why GPA applied for the new permit that’s been supported by industry and now approved by the APVMA. This will extend the Spray Drift Management Tool (SDMT) nationally so it can be used by more Australian producers, and group and aerial pesticide applicators.

GPA RD&E Spokesperson and Victorian grain producer, Andrew Weidemann, said pesticide product labels can be complicated for individual users, in providing practical information about different buffer zones, and where various products can be used.

But he said the SDMT can now be used in conjunction with information on product labels, to refine the required buffer zones, based on the user’s specific circumstances.

“The SDMT effectively reduces between 20-30 plus pages of current label information to a simple and easy to use tool. We encourage all growers to take advantage of the opportunity to use this tool; especially given the recent focus on spray drift, and the need to ensure we meet best-practice application standards to maintain community trust and access to these products,” he said.

A pilot permit (PER91156) for the SDMT was previously issued to GPA for the 2021/22 season, in NSW only. Following the permit’s expiry in July 2022, GPA surveyed users with 90 per cent indicating they were ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to use the tool in future, if the APVMA permit was extended.

“With the fantastic support of 12 registrant companies, GPA subsequently assembled an application to the APVMA for a national permit to increase the SDMT’s use by industry. This permit has now been approved and a number of new herbicides in the tool – including 2,4-D – for better determining buffer zones, based on the sprayer setup and use,” Mr Weidemann said.

Development of the SDMT resulted from outcomes of an APVMA spray drift review which began in 2010, with broad industry input through the National Working Party for Pesticide Applications.

GPA manages industry permits issued under the APVMA’s emergency and minor use program, to support the grain’s industry’s ability to manage pests, weeds and crop disease better, and boost productivity in grain growing regions throughout Australia.

This latest permit (PER 93132) allows applicators to access and use a modified version of the SDMT for 37 selected products, in cereals and fallow situations. More details are available HERE including an instruction video, access to the approved permit information and the tool.



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