Grain Producers Australia recently attended an industry leaders’ forum where the topic of biofuels and sustainable aviation fuels was discussed over breakfast.
Representatives from a range of industry groups shared their ideas and thoughts on this important topic. In particular, these talks helped develop a deeper understanding of the importance of engaging positively with governments to understand their priorities. And to ultimately influence good policy development that also improves productivity and sustainability for Australian growers.
The event was hosted by Nuseed and reflects their efforts and ongoing work on delivering good outcomes for growers alongside the opportunities associated with one the biggest policy challenges faced by governments in Australia and globally – energy security and renewable energy sources.
As you’d expect in any discussion on these matters, the perennial question was raised about whether farmers will be producing crops for food or fuel in future. Nuseed’s position is that Australian farmers are already sustainably producing food, feed, fibre and fuel and can scale production of feedstocks without impacting food security.

From the perspective of grain producers, there’s no doubt any policy needs to provide the right balance and proper incentives to grow crops such as Carinata that can be used as feedstocks for biofuels or sustainable aviation fuels.
GPA Policy: Renewable Fuels
GPA supports the pursuit of increased use of biofuels in Australia, helping to establish alternatives to finite fossil fuels such as oil.
Regional Australia must be supported with investment to produce and use renewable biofuels and alternate fuels such as compressed natural gas (CNG). Investment is needed in regional distribution networks so fuel can be used where it is produced. Governments should continue to investigate novel use of biofuels, like ethanol and CNG as supplementary fuels for diesel engines.
GPA supports the development of a domestic biofuels industry in Australia and seeks investment to encourage greater production and use of biodiesel.
A domestic renewable energy industry will help rural communities remain sustainable. Grain ethanol, biodiesel and crushing plants should be built in rural areas where grain production occurs, creating local jobs and value-adding opportunities for growers.
Investment into new varieties and crops for feedstocks will allow increased production to support the biodiesel industry. Biodiesel is easily blended with fossil diesel for use in most modern diesel engines. Greater incentivises to produce and use biodiesel are needed, particularly for small scale production on-farm so farmers can become self-reliant in their fuel use. Regulatory certainty and red-tape reduction would assist with this development.
GPA supports the promotion of the use of and benefits of renewable fuels to the community, especially motorists.
Benefits of renewable fuels are considerable including E10 blended fuels having 25 percent cleaner emissions and reduced greenhouse gases; economic benefits to the community such as ‘crude oil import replacement’ and local regional jobs; and, reduced reliance on fossil fuels by using sustainable and renewable energy sources.