Welcome to the first GPA Chair’s message for 2025. As we head into another year of opportunity and optimism for growers and our industry, it’s worth reflecting on the last one.
Firstly, I hope everyone’s had a good holiday and good break after the recent harvest, to spend time away with your family and friends.
As the National Ambassador of GPA’s Farmer Mates Mental Health program, Brad Hogg, often says, it’s important we take long breaks, but also remember the short ones – like taking drinks breaks, even when we’re working – to look after your wellbeing. HERE
As often happens, some growers had a good year in 2024 and some of us didn’t.
But as we all look forward to this year’s crop with anticipation, I hope those who missed out last year do get some good rainfall making it onto their farms this year.
Many of us are eternal optimists, that’s another reason why we’re farmers growing grain.
And so we’re all gearing up again and that’s why everyone deserves a good season in 2025.
GPA has wasted no time getting down to business in 2025 with our submission to the Wheat Port Code review and Federal Election Policy Priorities survey recently completed.
The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry released the second review of the Wheat Port Code Report on 4 November 2024.
A ‘Have Your Say’ process then opened up, inviting feedback on the report’s recommendations for the Code’s future.
As always, GPA and our members have been strong in ensuring this process understands growers’ interests need to be properly protected; and market competition is fair and transparent. HERE
GPA's 2025 Federal Election Policy Priorities will be released soon and we'll then move forward with our advocacy - maintaining close engagement with our members - anticipating the election date will be called, any time soon.
GPA Chief Executive Colin Bettles spoke about these matters, and election dynamics, sharing some insights with AgWatchers recently - listen HERE.
GPA is also looking forward to attending the Weekly Times Coles 2024 Farmer of the Year Awards, in Melbourne, later this month.
Not least of all to support GPA Western Region Grower Director, Duncan Young, who has been named as one of finalists for this year’s awards.
Without preempting the judges’ final decision, here’s an article by GPA from July 2022, when Duncan was recognised with a certificate of distinguished service for his contributions to WAFarmers over many years. HERE
Join me in launching 2025 with a strong message and vote of support for Duncan Young.
Barry Large GPA Chair