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Grain Producers Australia’s successful mental health partnership kicked off on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula yesterday, with some belly laughs and quiet reflection on the role we all play in supporting each other in both the good, and hard times.

Farmer Mates Mental Health Initiative National Ambassador and Aussie cricketing great Brad Hogg is in attendance for the next few days near Cleve to continue having candid conversations, sharing tales of the cricketing legends we all know and love and reminding everyone that rural communities are each other's greatest asset as support networks.

Yesterday Brad worked with Louis Dreyfus and Clear Grain Exchange and Elders and took the time to connect with field day attendees throughout the day,

Today, Brad will be partnering with rural health initiative Fat Farmers, grain-supply chain design and managers T-Ports over lunch and grain handler Viterra for a sundowner event this afternoon.

On Thursday, Brad will be serving up breakfast with Grain Producers SA, before trekking east and visiting the rural town of Mypolonga on the River Murray to spend an evening at the local footy club for a free community event.

"Bringing people together for a laugh and a chat is what it is all about," he said.

"Those connections and the networks we build from those interactions stay with us through the ups and downs of life."

Now in its third year, GPA’s Farmer Mates Mental Health Initiative has put the spotlight on mental health, to help raise greater awareness and reduce stigmas, including on suicide prevention. 

The broadened focus this year will build from a regional roadshow format where Brad and GPA will attend Eyre Peninsula Field Days, AgQuip in New South Wales and Dowerin Machinery Field Days in Western Australia this month.

Later this year, the initiative will expand to include a leadership forum and other events, where community leaders can come together and share important resources, knowledge and conversations about mental health and wellbeing. 

GPA interim Chief Executive Pete Arkle said the continued support of program partners Nufarm, GrainGrowers, Rural Aid and Lifeline highlighted how important the program is and the value in broadening its focus to reach people in different ways and include new voices to the conversation.

"We welcome other farming and community groups and companies from across agriculture to get in touch with us to help spread the reach of our program and ensure our farming communities are sustainable and healthy into the future," he said.


· Rural Aid’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Team HERE 

· GPA’s Farmer Mates Mental Health initiative HERE 

· Lifeline’s 24/7 telephone crisis support service is available on 13 11 14 

· Mental Health and Wellbeing Team intake line 1300 17 55 94 - Head Office 1300 327 624 


Further Information: 

GPA Executive Officer Rachael Oxborrow: 0416 705 193


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