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A new industry partnership launched today to help boost safety standards across East Coast bulk grain receival sites.

Grain Producers Australia (GPA) has partnered with agribusiness GrainCorp to provide GPA Training’s free online ‘Grain Site Delivery’ induction course at the bulk handler’s grain delivery sites this harvest.

GPA Southern Director and Victorian grain farmer, Andrew Weidemann, said the digital GPA Training program has been designed for growers, by growers and grains industry professionals, to enhance safety outcomes.

“Grain producers understand the importance of following rules because we do it continually in our businesses when using pesticides and farm machinery or managing other risky practices,” he said.

“GPA Training has been designed knowing we need to comply with safety rules in order to safeguard our families, our workers and ourselves, and stay in business – but we also want to reduce red tape.”

“Working with growers through GrainCorp is a great way to roll-out this online training because we’ve recognised the importance and the need, and now we’re delivering the solution.”

Mr Weidemann said it would take growers about 15-20 minutes to sign-up and complete the basic induction course online.

“This is a small investment in time pre-harvest, and only a small sacrifice compared to the number of lives and limbs that’ll be saved across our industry,” he said.

“We’re excited about working proactively with GrainCorp to help modernise the delivery of safety training and lift industry standards.

“We look forward to working with other grain bulk handlers to back this initiative to improve safety.”

GrainCorp Chief Operating Officer Klaus Pamminger said GrainCorp is adopting the GPA Training Program to spearhead efforts to lift safety standards across the industry.

“The safety of our staff, contractors, growers and carriers on our sites is of utmost importance to us and ultimately ties back to our company’s goal of ‘Zero Harm – Safe for Life’,” Mr Pamminger said.

“For growers, this training adds another level of protection for their staff, their business and themselves. It enables them to say they are doing everything they can to ensure we’re all kept safe from harm this harvest."

Mr Pamminger said the training will be offered across the GrainCorp network this coming harvest.

“The training will allow anyone delivering to GrainCorp this season to access multiple sites on one certification, rather than completing multiple site inductions at different locations,” Mr Pamminger said.

“The course also creates greater awareness and understanding of hazard management rules and covers procedures in traffic flow, vehicle standards, driver and site visitor behaviour, and tail gate management.”

Growers and carriers will be encouraged to do the training either before delivery or with a range of support options provided at site entry, including a QR Code.

They will need to nominate any bulk handlers they plan to deliver to throughout the season, and will receive a digital certificate upon completion.

Mr Pamminger added: “We hope other bulk handlers will support this initiative with GPA Training, to help drive a safety-first culture that ultimately protects the industry.”

As part of the program, GPA is establishing an industry-wide committee of growers and bulk grain handler representatives who will design and implement agreed safety standards for grain site deliveries, with a focus on continuous improvement.

“We’re excited by the potential of this committee to explore the use of modern technologies to deliver this training more efficiently, and communicate new developments and changes directly with growers,” Mr Weidemann said.



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