Grain Producers Australia welcomes the announcement of Brett Hosking’s election as the new President of the Victorian Farmers Federation, and Peter Star as Vice-President.
Brett is a former VFF Vice-President, and also a former VFF Grains Group President, which included representing Victorian grain producers, to the GPA Policy Council, during GPA’s formative years.
GPA looks forward to engaging with the VFF, as the new leadership group re-focuses strategic efforts on revitalising connections with important industry processes, through established representative groups such as GPA, to deliver a genuine voice and value, for grass roots commodity members.
The GPA Policy Council includes the elected grower, representative leaders of the Grains Committees of State Farming Groups throughout Australia, including the VFF Grains Group.
Despite being announced in media reporting at the time, GPA chose not to comment publicly on the notice provided by the VFF executive, in June this year, which indicated future intention to resign GPA membership.
However, this move failed to recognise the fact GPA holds legitimate democratic roles and responsibilities, on important national policy matters for all grain producers, which extends the VFF’s grass roots branch members’ views, through to the GPA Policy Council. HERE
Despite this potential setback, GPA acknowledges the strong commitment and leadership shown by the VFF’s senior grain producer members, who continued contributing their time and energy to these important national policy and representative processes, during this challenging period.

GPA Chair, Barry Large.
This included supporting GPA’s work, coordinating industry stakeholders and experts, to develop grower-led submissions to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority’s reviews, on the proposed regulatory decisions for reconsideration of paraquat and diquat. HERE
Feedback from other groups, including those representing different farm commodities, has acknowledged the genuine value they’ve also received from GPA’s efforts coordinating these APVMA submissions, developing resources with technical support, and sharing communications.
GPA also questions the substance and intent of claims being made which suggest the current model of Australian agricultural advocacy is ‘ineffective and unsustainable’. This over-extrapolation conveniently ignores commodity specific details, including representative pathways and structures for grains. It also fails to recognise recent high-level performance results, such as the fact GPA led a successful policy advocacy process, opposing the Biosecurity Tax (levy). This ‘Scrap The Tax’ campaign included coordinating a joint letter sent to the Agriculture Minister, Federal Treasurer and Prime Minister in late 2023, co-signed by about 50 agricultural representative groups, opposing the fundamentally flawed policy. HERE
GPA Chair Barry Large quotes.
“There’s always strength in numbers and it’s quite a powerful statement to make, when many groups are standing together, with a unified message. Unity has always been a core, fundamental principle of GPA’s democratic structure, and intrinsic value of our work representing Australian grain producers. That’s why we work in partnership with our State Members, including the VFF Grains Group, who represent the interests of their grain producer members.
“GPA understands the need to keep improving, evolving and modernising representative systems, to meet current and future challenges. In this regard, we welcome Brett’s appointment, to ensure we provide the strongest possible voice and results for all grain producers, including VFF’s members.
“GPA’s inclusive, democratic model provides a genuine value proposition, on national policy and industry representation, for the paid grain producer members of State Groups, not just the VFF’s.
“GPA has a strong reputation for punching above our weight, and delivering results on the issues that really matter for growers. That’s why our strong performance also delivers direct membership value, for our State Members, with positive financial impact and benefits.
“We look forward to these fundamental democratic principles and GPA’s value being recognised and re-prioritised, by the incoming VFF leadership. Proper resourcing and executive support for the VFF Grains Group’s leadership is also vital to future success, and to ensure we continue working together, delivering a strong voice and good outcomes, for all Victorian grain producers.”
VFF Media Release HERE