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November 2024 has been a busy and productive time for GPA – and that’s something of an understatement. 

As well as GPA Board and Policy Council members working hard on finishing this year’s harvest, many of us have also been involved in other important events and activities, representing Australian grain producers. 

This week, a GPA Policy Council meeting was held which provided an excellent opportunity for our members to discuss priority issues. These included; grains supply chain and competition; reviews of certain products by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority; strengthening biosecurity protections; enhancing value and outcomes from grain producer levies; and the upcoming federal election and policy priorities for Australian grain producers. 

Earlier this month, GPA also hosted an event attended by other grains industry leaders. 

The Australian Grains Industry Showcase event – initiated by GPA in 2022 – was once again shared with the Parliamentary Friends of Primary Producers, at Parliament House in Canberra. 

GPA thanks the Co-chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Primary Producers, Meryl Swanson MP and Nola Marino MP, for again providing this excellent opportunity. 

This event highlights the united strength of our industry and vital economic, environmental, and social contributions to Australia and beyond, to elected members of Federal Parliament, and key decision-makers. GPA looks forward to growing this event in future, and building on what’s been established in recent times, with strong joint messaging, about our industry. 

Read more HERE 

We also want to thank Grain Trade Australia, the Grains Research and Development Corporation, the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre, Grains Australia, GrainGrowers, the Manildra Group, the Brewers Association of Australia and Baking Association of Australia, for their support. 

The Manildra Group provided samples from the vast range of Australian food and industrial products they manufacture - including wheat flours, bakery mixes, vital wheat gluten and proteins, starches, syrups, ethanol, stockfeeds, fats and oils, and bags. 

The 2024 grains showcase was also a great opportunity to hear from federal Minister for Agriculture Julie Collins. 

At the Showcase event, GPA's National Mental Health Ambassador, and Australian cricketing legend, Brad Hogg, also provided an overview of his work with the GPA Farmer Mates Mental Health Program that's proudly supported by a number of partners; especially Nufarm Australia. 

Brad also joined GPA to continue discussions about this important initiative and grass roots work, at other events in Canberra, later in the week.  

Plant Health Australia also attended the Showcase. Last week, GPA also attended important meetings in Canberra, as part of our roles with GPA representing all Australian grain producers, on biosecurity preparedness and emergency response matters. 

This included the PHA Annual General Meeting. Those interested in learning more about these meetings, and understanding more about GPA’s role representing levy-paying growers, to support these shared outcomes on biosecurity, please access materials from the AGM below: 

In particular, these meetings noted GPA’s leading role, advocating for increased biosecurity protections over an extended period with cross-industry collaboration, to support grower profitability and sustainability, and industry’s productivity, with the Grains Industry Biosecurity Plan being released during the past year. HERE 

This will also see PHA’s working relationship with the GRDC continue to grow and drive more value, through delivery of the Grains Industry Biosecurity Plan. GPA thanks and acknowledges this notable achievement, with support from GRDC and PHA. We also thank PHA Chair, Kim Halbert, and his great experience and expertise, in supporting good outcomes, as a grain grower from the mid-west of Western Australia.  

Stronger collaboration with GRDC, can also delivered enhanced benefits for growers and outcomes, with PHA’s Grain Biosecurity Officers and Grains Farm Biosecurity Program. HERE 

Barry Large - GPA Chair


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