Grain Producers Australia and its state farming organisation members have spent a significant amount of time recently presenting data and science to support the ongoing use of two key herbicides in Australia’s broadacre cropping systems.
We've also been working with other industry groups, from all parts of the agricultural industry, who have approached us for guidance and expertise.
You would likely have seen GPA's efforts to highlight just how important these chemicals are to grain producers within the media and political spheres.Our work here has had a particular focus on relating our social story to areas of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) review that need increased scrutiny in an Australian context.Proposed changes to the use of paraquat and diquat were announced by the Australian chemical regulator in late July and the public consultation period closed on October 29.
We were initially expecting the APVMA's final decision in February 2025, but this has been pushed out to May 2025 at this stage.A large number of submissions (more than 150) were received by APVMA and we acknowledge this will take significant time to work through.
As a part of our submission, which was led by GPA Interim Chief Executive Pete Arkle, we have sought insight from industry stakeholders, independent scientists and growers using spot spray technology to strengthen our submissions. We also appreciate those who have submitted responses of their own. We will continue to support the APVMA with any information or clarification it may need to make an informed and in-depth review founded by science into the regulation of paraquat and diquat.
Additionally, Grain Producers Australia has launched an online survey to gather farmers' views on autonomous farm machinery. This survey closes on November 8 and aims to better understand grower needs, concerns, and opportunities for education to support the adoption of this advancing technology.
Barry Large - GPA Chair