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PS NEWS | Grain producers' association opposes Elders' bid for Delta Agribusiness, citing competition concerns

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) decision to delay making a ruling on Elders' proposed takeover of Delta Agribusiness has been welcomed by Grain Producers Australia (GPA).

The decision was expected on March 13, however the revised decision date is yet to be announced, with GPA citing competition and ongoing consolidation concerns.

PS News reported that GPA had submitted to the ACCC's public consultation process, following consultation with its state farming organisation members.

GPA’s confidential submission to the ACCC highlights 30 locations where Elders and Delta currently compete directly.

GPA Southern Region Director Andrew Weidemann said GPA is “highly sceptical” about whether the proposed parts of this merger entity, if allowed to proceed, will continue to “vigorously compete” in the future, adding to the risk it will lead to a “substantial lessening of retail competition in multiple locations around Australia”.


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