Harvest in Australia's south is driving ahead amid weather delays.
Rain forecast for the NSW east coast is set to deliver 50-100mm, which could downgrade crop yet to be harvested, but could also open up summer cropping opportunities to the north.
Queensland Country Life updated the season where NSWFarmers Grains Committee Chair Justin Everitt said the tale of the two situations had some growers happy with a decent harvest in the bin and planning summer options, while others were not welcoming the situation.
"We're getting through harvest, the canola is close to completion, and it makes up a big part of the cropping program here, but there is still a lot to come off," he said.
He said farmers had already endured disappointing frost and dry impacted yields and were anxious to avoid adding weather downgrading to the list of woes.
Grain Producers Australia Western Region Director and WA grower said rainfall had damaged crops in some parts of the state, but was hopeful it wouldn't cause quality concerns.
He said it was a solid, but unspectacular harvest for the most part.
"Compared to how it looked early most people will be reasonably happy, while it is not a massive year the prices are fairly strong so generally people are pleased with the result."