Grain Producers Australia oversees and coordinates the grains industry response to issues relating to pesticide access, use, stewardship and impacts on trade and market access. Currently the use of herbicides paraquat and diquat, which are key to the weed control processes for producers across the country, is under review by Australia's chemical regulator.
There is always a need to prioritise safety considerations through science-based regulation, but GPA is working to inform the argument that supports the important function these chemicals play in our farming systems. Consultation processes to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) chemical review allows our industry to present information relevant to how these chemicals are used within our Australian environment and advocate for ongoing use.
In recent weeks, GPA has hosted an online information session giving useful background on how the APVMA reviews function and what information is relevant to the submission process.This involved presentations from APVMA representatives and insight from GPA Interim Chief Executive Pete Arkle, who is leading the development of GPA's submission to the consultation.
I encourage growers, grower groups and industry to also develop submissions to the APVMA process and share information about how they use these chemicals on farm. Local research mapping animal populations and habitats over time can also provide useful Australian context to the APVMA review.
Visit our website to view a recording of our information session and access useful resources. Talk to your local MP and highlight what is happening and how the changes to regulations for these chemicals will impact your operation.
Barry Large - GPA Chair