Seasonal decisions and price fluctuation has growers holding fight on fertiliser purchasing decisions ahead of the 2025-26 growing season.
Nitrogen will be a discretionary purchase this season off the back off a dry 2024 for many, while many growers will be taking care of their phosphorous needs as a priority.

This is the message from Grain Producers Australia Southern Region Director and Rupanyup grower Andrew Weidemann, who spoke to the Stock Journal on grower sentiment heading into the seeding planning period.
"DAP (di-ammonium phosphate) is at around that $1080 a tonne at present, it is not cheap, but it hasn't been much below that for a lot of the 2020s," Mr Weidemann said.
"People have their fixed needs for P so they are likely to get organised to ensure they have it when they need it at planting."