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Temporary tariff changes for Australian lentils to India

Grain Producers Australia welcomes the recent notification on changes to tariffs applied to Lentils (Mosur) entering India by 31 August 2020.

The notification signals a move to reduce the tariff on lentil shipments arriving from Australia, from 30% to 10%. The change allows Australian lentils to enter the Indian market at 10%, with the 10% tax (11% total).

Grain Producers Australia Chairman Mr Andrew Weidemann welcomes the news, saying “any changes that reduce barriers to trade and creates market opportunities are welcome.”

It is only removed for grain arriving by 31 August 2020, giving growers a window to sell at potentially higher premiums, for those that have grain stored on-farm.

There is no information that the changes will be in place long-term.

Discussions are ongoing about trade opportunities for Australian grain, particularly malting barley, into the Indian market.

A copy of the notification from the Government of India Ministry of Finance is available online here.


Further Information:

Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0428 504 544

Maddison McNeil, Executive Officer, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0432 988 694


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