The northern New South Wales cropping season is set to be one of the biggest seasons in the last 5-10 years.
Latest figures out of GrainCrop has around 4.5 million tonnes of the 6.7mt received so far coming from NSW>
The Land reported that a majority of crop in the region has been harvested and timing was similar in Queensland.

Grain Producers Australia Northern Region Director and Moree grower Matthew Madden finished his harvest last week and said this was the case for much of his area.
"The yields on an overall level have been just exceptional, there have been plenty of five and six tonne to the hectare cereal crops, some maybe even pushing a little higher while the other crops, such as chickpeas and canola, have also performed well," Mr Madden said.
He said a feature of the harvest had been how orderly it had been, compared to the rain-hit versions of recent years.