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FARM ONLINE | The three sectors who will lose the most under paraquat changes

APVMA's proposals to change allowed use of paraquat and diquat could have dire consequences for some sectors of agriculture.

FarmOnline spoke to Grain Producers Australia Interim Chief Executive Pete Arkle as Australia's grain growers are faced with little other options for weed control.

"Paraquat is a critical part of the double-knock strategy which has been advised by researchers for years as the best way to stop the risk of weed resistance, in particular to glyphosate," he said.

"We don't have a lot of options on this front, which could see farmers forced to go back to tillage to control weeds, which would undo the gains made via conservation farming practices over the past 20 years.

Paraquat is of vital importance to grains growers for weed management and the APVMA need to work with farmers to find a workable solution.


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