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THE WEEKLY TIMES | Western Australian canola prices show promise

Prices for canola are on the increase as growers wait on making major cropping decisions until closer to seeding.

The Weekly Times reported on price increases for the oilseed around the country and the sentiment in grain growing regions around the country.

This follows a reduction in canola plantings in 2024 for many as the late breaks, particularly in Western Australia, and dry Autumn prompted growers to reassess plans.

WA grower and Grain Producers Australia Chair Barry Large said it was likely 25 to 30 per cent of farmers would grow canola anyway, regardless of the price.

“The next 30 per cent (of growers) will watch for an autumn break,” he said.

However, Mr Large said the current price levels were likely to give growers confidence to grow it.

He said there was a time for an autumn break right up until the second week of May.


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