Victorian Minister for Agriculture Jaclyn Symes today announced $175,000 in funding from the Agriculture Workforce Plan for the Grains Industry Skills Development and Induction Program, an online training package which will be developed by Grain Producers Australia.
“These new training courses will prepare workers by giving them the knowledge to safely and quickly transition into a role in the grains industry,” said Jaclyn Symes, Victorian Minister for Agriculture in a media statement.
“Grains workplaces are highly technical and workers need to have the best possible training to be kept safe and to make sure the important harvest work can be done,” she said.
Travel restrictions in place to slow the spread of COVID 19 have affected the availability of regular seasonal workers from overseas and interstate. Workers joining the grains industry for this season’s harvest will be quickly brought up to speed with necessary skills and knowledge by this training package which focuses on creating a safe and efficient workforce from within Victoria.
New workers will complete comprehensive online courses covering farm safety, new hygiene and distancing practices and a thorough induction of what to expect during harvest.
“We thank the Victorian Government for this support for our online training program, which will give workers and employers the tools they need to create a safe, well-trained workforce for this harvest season and into the future,” said Andrew Weidemann, Chair, Grain Producers Australia.
The online training will be provided free of charge for Victorian businesses.
Further Information:
Andrew Weidemann, Chairman, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0428 504 544
Maddison McNeil, Executive Officer, Grain Producers Australia, Tel: 0432 988 694